Couple's Exit Survey After couple's have completed the Fully Engaged Inventory, we ask them to provide their feedback. Thank you for completing the Fully Engaged Inventory!Please take a few minutes to complete this short survey to help us improve our serevice.Tell us a little about yourself.I am:* The Bride The Groom Our wedding date is:* I consider myself to be: Catholic Non-Catholic Christian Jewish Muslim Agnostic Atheist Other I attend worship services: Regularly Sometimes Rarely Never My fiancé/ spouse and I lived together before we were married. Yes No I decided to save sex for our marriage. Yes, I decided to abstain before I met my fiance. Yes, we decided to abstain after I began dating my fiance Yes, we decided to abstain after we were engaged Yes, we decided to abstain during our preparation for marriage No, we chose not to abstain. We are willing to use Natural Family Planning (NFP) in our marriage. Yes No We intend to use some form of contraception in our marriage. Yes No About Fully EngagedOverall, I found the Fully Engaged program to be: Very Helpful Helpful Not Helpful I found the Facilitator(s) to be: Very Helpful Helpful Not Helpful I found the content of the workbook to be: Very Helpful Helpful Not Helpful I found the reflection questions in the workbook to be: Very Helpful Helpful Not Helpful The assignments given to us by our facilitator(s) prior to each meeting were: Very Helpful Helpful Not Helpful Comments:About the ProgramI found the Fully Engaged statements easy to understand. Yes No I found the Fully Engaged statements relevant to prepare for our marriage. Yes No Our facilitator gave us assignments in the workbook for each session. Yes No The statements addressed topics that we had not previously discussed or had agreed upon. Yes No The information in the workbook helped me to understand the Catholic faith better. Yes No Comments:Our Facilitator(s)Our Facilitator(s) were: Priest Deacon Religious sister or brother Parish Staff Mentor/Sponsor Couple I feel we were appropriately challenged by our facilitator(s). Yes No Our facilitator(s) affirmed the positive decisions we have made toward our marriage. Yes No The facilitator(s) answered our questions openly and honestly. Yes No Our facilitator(s) provided the time and atmosphere to discuss items as a couple. Yes No We had adequate meetings and time to discuss the inventory topics. Yes No Meeting with the Facilitator(s) helped me to understand the Catholic faith better. Yes No Comments:Please check the topically areas that were most helpful to you:Sections in Fully Engaged Select All Differences Division of Labor Recreation Family of Origin Communication Conflict Resolution Catholic Identity Finances Intimacy Infertility & Adoption Catholic Parenting Vocation & Career The Sacrment of Marriage Comments: Thank you for taking time to complete this survey. Congratulations on your upcoming marriage.